Social justice work in privileged spaces – challenging gender and social class inequalities

Fostering global citizenship through schools, education institutions earning their right to charitable status, and promoting CAS initiatives in International Baccalaureate schools can be found worldwide.

How do schools and increasingly higher education institutions engage in such service work – what models do they use, what is the intention behind them and what outcomes do they produce for those communities they seek to serve, as well as the students and staff delivering them.

My research has studied such initiatives in the UK, and across the Global South.

Recent publications include:

Howard, A. & Maxwell, C. (2023) Preparing leaders for the global south: the work of elite schools through global citizenship education. COMPARE: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 53(2): 324-339.

Howard, A. & Maxwell, C. (2021) Conferred cosmopolitanism: class-making strategies of elite schools across the world. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40(2), 164-178.

Howard, A. & Maxwell, C. (2018) From conscientization to imagining redistributive strategies: Social justice collaborations in elite schools. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 16(4): 526-540.

Maxwell, C. (2014) 'The Prevention of Sexual Violence in Schools.Developing some theoretical starting points', in N. Henry & A. Powell (eds) Preventing Sexual Violence: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Overcoming a Rape Culture, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 105-126.

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